* * This is a Brief Tribute and Thank You to Jim Humble * * *

Jim, 79, has spent much time in Africa and worldwide
training people in clinics and trying to gain official permissions, beginning
free treatments for adults and children who have malaria,

parasites, TB, and other ailments. Once children were told “it’s a magical

drink,” they drank it readily. Then two days later tests

usually showed total absence of malaria. They’re no

longer sentenced to early death.   All this hard work is finally seeing thousands
of poor people receiving the only option available to them, MMS, for a mere
2 cents per dose.  Help directly to those who need it, not into the pockets of administrators
 of top heavy programs.  Contact Jim, (We have been in contact with him for over 3 years) at to see how you can help.


His third book is available for download by clicking here:
"Go to:  to purchase the EBook, “Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium”. Tell your family and friends! This book contains a lot of VERY important information that the world needs."   Jim Humble  This NEW book contains everything you need to know!!!!


His free e-book of 127 pages can be downloaded by going to: 
His second book is available for purchase, chapters 16 & 17 offer more info making the solution yourself (or see directions below).

Official website –
GO HERE FIRST - at first this may seem confusing but it becomes very simple in the long run. All the latest information. For new disease protocols, go to or (June 2011)


from Jim’s website click in the upper right hand corner:  Exit to MMS answers or go to directly for complete information in a well organized website.  Every question you may have will be answered, if not you can email him.  We have put together this information to try to help you.  Continue to research further.  Take control of your health and heal yourself.


Follow instructions in RED below to start using MMS 1 


What is M.M.S. ??

“M.M.S. is the greatest solution to mankind’s diseases and ills now known, and it is not a drug.”  This is a grassroots movement to help people have better health at a low cost."

The hard work and admirable determination of Jim Humble has presented this gift to the world.  'Discovered' in a life and death situation, while prospecting in the jungles of South America, the lives of his Engineering colleagues were hanging by a thread. Over 5 million people are now taking MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement), hoping to eliminate body toxins. MMS is a broad spectrum two-cent per dose germicidal agent that you mix in your kitchen. People drink it to remove pathogens and heavy metals from the body, claiming they can eventually achieve total detoxification.


How to Never Run Out of MMS:
Prepare Your Own MMS Bottles Using Dry Sodium Chlorite Flakes.

"How long can the green MMS bottles be stored without deterioration?"  
"Once again a bill before the US Congress threatens to control and stop the sale of vitamins and nutritional supplements in the US and elsewhere by prohibiting shipments. MMS users have inquired, asking about ideas for storing MMS - even 10 or 20 years into the future. If Congress passes the current bill, it will stop the shipment of nearly all supplements across state and national borders. Supplements will require licensing and government approvals if they are to be offered for sale legally. So the question arises - "How long can the dark green MMS bottles be stored without deterioration?"

Jim Humble has MMS bottles that he prepared four years ago. They have been stored on a dark cupboard shelf. Those are the oldest MMS bottles that we know of and they produce ClO2 gas just as they should when activated with citric acid or fresh lemon juice. We know also that if the bottles had been refrigerated, they would last at least twice longer given the chemistry involved. The breakdown of the Sodium Chlorite in the bottled solution is radically slower at 40 degrees Farenheit than at 70 or 80 degrees Farenheit. So a standard bottle of MMS is estimated to have at least an eight year life if it is kept cool in its darkened container bottle.


Best:  Buy the powdered MMS and Citric Acid and mix it yourself – see exact instructions below or order premixed.


1)Start by ordering MMS 1 - one 4 oz bottle premixed liquid plus citric acid powder and an empty bottle (see below info)


Do a google search. It is becoming more and more difficult to order the powders for MMS 1 & 2, due to governmental control in the USA.  They are closing down sites on the internet.  You must be persistent, especially to order pre-mixed 4 oz bottles..  A product that heals many illnesses, that costs 5 cents a dose is a direct threat to the drug pushing pharmaceutical companies - and thus the ban.  Follow the money once again.  Jim Humble has recently established a 'Church of Health' in the effort to side step these governmental restrictions.  His main goal is to help humanity, not make money, and he will do whatever is necessary to accomplish this. With over 5 million people using MMS worldwide he is certainly having an impact.

(Some people, however, want assurance that they will NEVER run out of MMS regardless of future government actions. To meet that goal you probably ought to buy Sodium Chlorite powder and store it or freeze it. The powder can be refrigerated or frozen indefinitely - ready for use even 30 or 40 years from now. Stan Nowak's web site at offers a variety of dry Sodium Chlorite packages. Go to this link to visit his site and see the options and pricing. You can also order by phone at (403) 652-1655 in Canada. or try e-bay for water purification - see below)  Also MMS1 and MMS2 powders are available on under the subject: water purifier.


1) Do a google search on Sodium Chlorite (78% or 80%)  This is chemistry and obtaining the exact product is critical.  Make sure there are no additives.  You want the pure product.

A google search will revel several companies either selling domestically in the USA or internationally. 


Domestically:  I ordered the powders for MMS 1 and MMS 2 through (search the site for: 'Pure Water For Survival')  I chose this source because the powders were sold in sealed 1 pound plastic bottles.  GFS chemicals sold 2.5 lb containers and larger, but once opened you must have a plan for storage in a cool dry place or in smaller packages in the freezer.  To order MMS 1 premixed - do a google search.  It is becoming more and more difficult to order the powders for MMS 1 & 2, due to governmental control in the USA.  They are closing down sites on the internet.  You must be persistent, especially to order pre-mixed 4 oz bottles.  It is out there.


Two reliable sources as of  April 2012:    or (Sign up for informative newsletter and purchase if able

(MMS Protocols) Quick Reference Guide!  VoiceofMMS • email: •

The FDA, acting to protect drug companies' profits, are denying your health care choices by ridding the internet of MMS vendors and denying our right to advertise. We can no longer advertise on Google and it has become harder for people to find suppliers. Our web site is still up so far and its URL is on our product labels. Our voice mail only phone is (505) 652-2352. If you call, leave a message and we'll get back to you ASAP. Keep it for future reference & tell others. It may me a good idea to stock up while you can. (email contact:


Internationally:  Many companies are listed on a google search.  Try one in your country's capital city as these chemicals are imported for cleaning and purifying food and water and pools. and many companies from China ship internationally.  Our recommendation: It is best to avoid governmental and official agencies, who may have links with corruption or pharmaceutical companies.  This is a grassroots movement to help people have better health at a low cost.  Open a branch of your organization for water purification - helping villagers and underprivileged to have clean/ safe water.  Talk with NGO's in your area and ask them for help in shipping the product in with their supplies.  Once you obtain the powder use the guidelines below.


In the event that you purchase sodium chlorite powder, you should prepare to follow these mixing instructions and to work in sanitary conditions.

To Prepare One Small Four Ounce Bottle of 28% MMS Solution (Recommended):

Step 1: In a small glass (non-metallic)  bowl or bottle place 4 level tablespoons of sodium chlorite powder.

Step 2: Add 3 ounces of distilled warm water (max temperature - 150 degrees Farenheit).

Step 3: Stir with a non-metalic spoon and cover for darkness. Let the solution sit for 3 hours. Expect some some settlings to fall to the bottom.

Step 4: Pour slowly into a dark 4 or 6 ounce bottle for storage and future use. Leave settlings in the bowl - discard them.


To Convert the Full One Pound Package into 57 Ounces of 28% MMS Solution
    for Long Term Liquid Storage:

Step 1: Fill a non-metallic large bowl or bottle with 40 ounces of warm distilled water (100 to 150 F).

Step 2: While sprinkling in the entire contents (1 pound) of the sodium chlorite powder, stir with a non-metallic spoon.

Step 3: Once all the powder is dissolved, cover and let it stand for several hours or overnight in a dark location.

Step 4: The solution will be transparent with a green shading. Some sediment will have fallen to the bottom of the container and/or a light film on the surface.

Step 5: Remove the surface film and slowly transfer the solution into a clean and preferably dark plastic container leaving the sediment behind.

Step 6: You now have 57 ounces of 28% sodium chlorite solution ready for future use. This is the equivalent of 14 of the normal 4 ounce MMS bottles. Refrigerate the capped bottle. If you have a few power outages over the next 40 years, the MMS solution will not be harmed or damaged. One person called saying they worried that the light in the refrigerator might harm the MMS. This is silly. Maybe they don't know that the light goes out when they close the refrigerator door. Besides, they should have stored the bulk MMS in a darkened jar. A tall bottle of prune juice would provide a darkened bottle after being properly cleaned out.


2) Next prepare citric acid solution (or buy premixed along with MMS # 1):


 It is EASIEST to mix a 50% solution (equal amounts pure food grade citric acid powder and water.) Use 1 drop citric acid solution to 1 drop MMS  # 1. 


3)You are now ready to start the 3 week long cleansing protocol - see exact instructions below:


Starting the MMS 1 Protocol


First go to   for Latest Information on Beginning Protocols

2. Follow the below NEW Protocol 1000 Below When Starting: 

Note: When following the instructions below, keep this paragraph in mind. Always activate the MMS drops with one of the food acids, either lemon juice drops, or lime juice drops, or citric acid solution drops (to make 50% citric acid solution add equal citric acid powder with equal amount of water. Store it in a bottle with a lid.) Add water or juice without ascorbic acid - never orange juice.  In fact don't eat oranges or have any ascorbic acid within 2 hours of MMS.  See below.

The New MMS Protocol 1000 (with soda) April  2012
(Take for 3 weeks for initial detoxification of the body).


Enjoy this new way of taking MMS that tastes better and is more subtle to stomach. It works

because we are buffering the pH to 5.2 to reduce acidity.

Recipe: (SHELF LIFE OF THIS IS 30 DAYS but best to mix every morning)

Use a one quart or one liter container with lid & markings on the side as needed (keep

refrigerated and out of sunlight). You can also use 4 oz or 120 ml measuring cup to pour into at

each use. Add:

24 drops MMS (28%)

24 drops citric acid (50%) or 120 drops lemon juice or 10 % citric acid

mix by swirling (activate) exactly 20 seconds or (3 minutes with lemon or 10 %


add one quart or one liter distilled water(pH 5 to 6) mix (do not add alkaline water)

add 1/8 US teaspoon (0.6ml) baking soda (Bicarbonate of soda) to mix then stir

well (use aluminum free)

Metric equivalents of this recipe:

4 oz (120 ml) = 3 drops activated MMS (same as protocol 1000)

2 oz (60 ml) = 1.5 drops MMS

1 oz (30 ml) = 0.75 drops MMS

To Start: Take 2 oz. (60 ml) four times day and work up to higher amounts and frequency as

needed. Taking 4 oz. (120 ml) hourly for 8 hours is equal to 3 drops hourly of MMS, the same

as protocol 1000. Always stop short of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting or unwanted effect.

To Start if child or sensitive adult: Children or adults very sensitive can start at 1oz (30 ml) 4

times daily and work up slowly if needed. Always stop short of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting or

unwanted effect.

Monitor and adjust as needed:

Stay at each amount for 2 to 3 days before increasing so that if unwanted symptoms

arise you can go back to a safe known level.

Always stop short of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting or unwanted symptoms.

If you need to reduce your amount, then you can take smaller amount more often or the

same amount less often.

We are finding that a low steady amount is all some people need. Some conditions may

need an initial higher amount and then a lower amount for continual use.


If taste is still undesirable then add one drop peppermint oil to each 4 oz at the time of usage. It

is much better to mix up the whole quart than to try and mix individual uses. The optimal pH is

5.2 but the range of 5.0-5.5 should be acceptable.

Recipe changes: If you change the recipe amount of 24 drops of MMS, then you will need to

adjust the amount of baking soda as needed to bring the pH to 5.2 or into the range of 5 to 5.5

pH. If you need to take an amount that is larger than 3 drops of MMS, then you can simply drink

a larger amount of the recipe mix. Eight ounces (240 ml) would equal a 6 drop dose of MMS.

These statements not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and have not

been evaluated by the FDA. Consult physician prior to use.


(Dr. Ron's pH adjusted MMS1)

(Dr. Ron can be contacted at www.h2oairwateramericas.coms


We just finished taking this new recipe for 3 weeks continuously. (March-2012)  It was much easier to take - no taste and very few side effects.  You can mix it in the morning and once in a bottle marked with dose amounts, you can move around and take it hourly when your alarm goes off.



PROTOCOL 2000 is for cancer and other life threatening diseases.  It basically is taking as many drops of activated MMS each hour as a person can take without becoming any sicker, or feeling worse, or developing diarrhea.  It must be done for 10 hours a day, for 3 weeks or  until well.  It is best to start off with only one drop an hour and quickly build up to as many drops as you can take, again let me say without without feeling worse.  Remember all drops must be activated as given below.  Please take this to heart, do not make yourself sicker than you already are.  Take as many drops as you can, but easy dose it.  Making yourself sicker uses  up energy and makes the recovery go slower.

The way you accomplish activation can be done in 4 different ways, any one of these methods of activation is acceptable: First, add your number of MMS drops to a clean dry glass, then activate as follows:
(1) (preferred method) add 1 drop of 50% citric acid for each drop of MMS that is in your glass, swirl or shake to mix, wait 20 seconds, add 1/2 to 1 glass of water or juice and drink. 

(2) add 5 drops of 10% citric acid for each drop of MMS in the glass, and then shake or swirl to mix, wait 3 minutes, add 1/2 to 1 glass of  water or juice and then drink.

(3) add 5 drops of vinegar for each drop of MMS in the glass,  shake or swirl to mix,  wait 3 minutes, add 1/2 to 1 glass of water or juice and then drink.

(4) add 5 drops of full strength lemon juice for each drop of MMS in the glass, shake or swirl to mix,  wait 3 minutes,  add 1/2 to 1 glass of water or juice and then drink.

Do not use orange juice.  Do not use juices with added vitamin C or ascorbic acid added.  Do not use concentrated juices that must have water added to them. Do not use nectars, that is juices made from grinding the pulp of fruits.  Fresh juices are best.

But if you don't want to make up a single dose each hour, you can make 10 doses in the morning, and keep the solution in a closed container all day. Just follow the above instructions multiplying all the figures by 10 and then put that liquid in a closed container.  Take 1/10th of it each hour.  Don't worry the MMS will last hours longer than is needed so long as you keep the lid on tight.

Now, these are the important instructions you must be sure to follow:
You must not make yourself sicker than you already are:  Do not cause yourself a lot of nausea, or pain, or diarrhea.  When you notice any of these symptoms coming on take less MMS.  Try not to stop taking MMS, just take less.  Go from 2 drops an hour of activated MMS to one drop an hour.  Or if you are already take only one drop an hour, then take 1/2 drop and hour, or even 1/4 drop an hour.  Do not cause yourself diarrhea if you can avoid it by taking less MMS.  Pain, diarrhea, nausea and other discomforts cause loss of energy, which in turn causes slower healing and slower recovery. On the other hand try to increase the amount of drops you are taking until you are taking as many drops an hour as you can without feeling worse, but do not go over 12 drops an hour. 

After 3 days you must add MMS2.  The way you take MMS 2 is to take 1 capsule every other hour, or to say it different, take 1 capsule every 2 hours. HOWEVER, start with 1/4 capsule for the first day and go to 1/2 capsule for the second day, and then 1 full capsule thereafter.   So you will be taking 5 capsules each day.  The first day open the capsule and pour out 3/4 of the capsule each time and then the next day  pour out only 1/2 of the capsule.

This protocol is for all kinds of cancer and life threatening diseases no matter what kind and including Alzheimer.

MMS2 is calcium hypochlorite in powder form in size zero gel capsules.  buy from a swimming pool store.  Do not use sodium hypochlorite.  Calcium hypochlorite turns into hypochlorous acid when dissolved in water.  contrary to belief there is no available chlorine from this chemical regardless of what is said on the label.  Use 65% powder.  fill the capsules but do not pack it in.  Calcium hypochlorite becomes hypochlorous acid which is used by the body to kill microorganisms.  follow instructions.


For Children: The protocol for children is essentially the same. One should usually start at 1/2 drop. Just make a one drop drink and pour out 1/2 of the drink before giving it to the child. Then increase from 1 to 2 to 3 drops as given above, but do not go beyond 3 drops for each 25 pounds (11.4 kg) of body weight. With a baby start with 1/2 drop and increase to one drop up to 2 drops, but no more. So if you give 1/2 drop in the morning wait until the afternoon before giving 1 drop and then the next morning for 2 drops. It the baby or child should become nauseous wait an extra hour or two before giving another dose and also give a smaller dose. Give smaller doses until the baby or child can tolerate more, but do not stop giving doses.


– Monitor Effectiveness. Follow the directions below carefully.  Important to Remember:  Having nausea does not help the effectiveness of MMS.  Reduce drops as mentioned below, taking less drops until you feel better.  This may take a couple of days longer but you will be more comfortable.  Whatever you decide don’t stop MMS.  Get through the initial detox weeks and most viruses and bacteria will be gone. The daily maintenance dose that follows is a breeze, with absolutely no side effects.


Diarrhea, or even vomiting is not a bad sign. The body is throwing off poisons and cleaning them out. Most

people report that they feel much better after allowing some cleansing reactions. Don’t seek medicine for

temporary diarrhea relief. The body is cleaning out unwanted pathogens or deviant cell parts. When poisons

are eliminated, diarrhea ceases. Following the end of Protocol 1000 above reduce the preparations to 4 to 6 drops once a day for adults and 4 to 6 drops twice a week for children.

This is called “maintenance mode.” Persons weighing under 90 pounds or over 200 pounds should reasonably

reduce or increase their dosages, staying just under the nauseous indicator until their systems are cleared.

Then maintenance mode begins.  Using half the MMS dose twice a day is proven more effective.

Powdered citric acid in liquid form is one of the preferred

acids. It tastes like lemon juice. Mix 50%  Citric

Acid powder with 50% water.  Use 1 drop per 1 drop MMS.

When MMS seems to bring on any bad condition that is always a good indication as any change is an indication that MMS is doing its job which is killing bad bacteria, viruses, mold, yeast, or parasites and leaving poisons caused by the dead organisms.  These poisons cause a reaction know as the herxheimer reaction. 

In all cases where any negative appearing reaction takes place, immediately reduce the number of drops you are taking.  The greater the reaction the more drops that you should reduce in your next dose.  Start back at 1 drop or even 1/2 drop but do not stop taking the MMS.  On the other hand, if possible, only reduce 1 or 2 drops.  But always drop back in drops.  Do not make yourself sick.  There is no indication that maintaining a constant diarrhea is of benefit.  That mainly depletes your system of minerals and water.  Always drop back to the point where the drops are not making you sick and continue by following the normal protocol given in 2. above.  Remember, DO NOT CONTINUE TO MAKE YOURSELF SICK OR NAUSEOUS.  That has not proven to be advantageous. 

Even when you are taking MMS in small quantities it is killing pathogens.  Always stay just below the level where it is making you sick.  New research shows that when you are treating an illness, taking smaller amounts throughout the day is more effective than one large dose.


1. Do not continue to make yourself sick
2. Never stop taking MMS.


NOTE:  Once opened, the plastic drop bottles leak – so for traveling transfer them to 1 or 2 oz dark glass dropper bottles (or leak proof tops and an extra dropper) or nalgene type leak proof bottles.  Dark glass bottles are always better for long term storage than plastic. Watch that the rubber doesn't start to be eaten by the MMS.  Time to change bottles.


If you purchased the normal four to six ounce bottle of MMS it may or may not last one year

depending on how much you use and how much you give away to neighbors or friends.


MMS Nausea Can Be Reduced or Avoided During the Three Week Detoxifying Protocol:.

Over 5 million people are now taking MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement), hoping to eliminate body toxins. MMS is a broad spectrum two-cent per dose germicidal agent that you mix in your kitchen. People drink it to remove pathogens and heavy metals from the body, claiming they can eventually achieve total detoxification.

If you aren't involved with MMS yet, the health benefits and testimonials have proven to be extra-ordinary. People report being fully cleared of malaria, tuberculosis, and other pathogens that disappear from their blood tests - sometimes in two to ten days.

MMS was Invented and packaged for internal use in 2001 by Inventor Jim Humble. Between 2001 and 2006 over 75,000 human volunteers demonstrated the amazing ability of MMS to rid the body of virtually any and all viruses, bacteria, fungi, yeast, and poisons. Now available on the internet for general use, a few doctors have begun to use MMS in their clinics claiming that MMS boosts the immune system. It radically detoxifies the body in ways similar to competing oxygen therapies but without harming any living body cells.

For 70 years chlorine dioxide gas was used to eliminate bacteria from garden vegetables, and to purify city water supplies. It is the preferred method of removing anthrax from wherever it needs to be excised.

Jim Humble formulated a way to produce chlorine dioxide in slow release form within the stomach. Beginning in 2001 many people who were doomed with malaria or TB were rescued and brought back to disease-free health by using MMS as the agent for pathogen removal. For those who follow the inventor's dosage and mixing instructions (posted at end of article) there is hope for recovery from all sorts of illnesses.

MMS is said to get rid of insecticides, most heavy metals, candida bumps in arteries, poisons, and possibly all of the killer diseases where viruses or bacteria are involved. Think of MMS as a broad spectrum antibiotic but it has no fine print about side effects, no prescriptions, no environmental worries, no warnings, and very low cost. Children and adults take varieties of MMS-like pills or liquids on camping trips in the form of water-purifying drops. Further information about MMS is in the links at the end of article.

MMS users are sometimes surprised by sudden nausea as they increase dosage along the way to comprehensive detoxification.

This article asserts that MMS users can reduce and even avoid nausea as they progress through the detoxification process.

By closely observing how chorine dioxide progressively destroys pathogens, MMS users can act to reduce or prevent nausea.


Nausea occurring during the one to three drop phase can be reduced or avoided completely.

Recently it was discovered that a few people are allergic to citric acid. The MMS instructions state that one or another weak acid must be mixed with MMS. Five drops acid mixed with each one drop of MMS. If someone experiences nausea at the one drop level, it could indicate a reaction caused by the use of citric acid. Probably one or two drops of citric acid under the tongue would trigger the reaction if that is a factor to be considered.

Similarly, a few people are allergic to lemon juice which could cause an early nauseous reaction. Such people can easily switch to another acid such as lime juice or unfiltered vinegar. These early nausea cases represent rare anomalies. Nausea can be bypassed easily by experimenting with different acids at the one drop level. (For the uninitiated, the MMS and acid is mixed and then after three minutes it is diluted with water or apple juice for easy drinking).

There's logic to this slow dosage ramp-up. The liquid that you drink slowly releases chlorine dioxide in the stomach. Red blood cells pick it up cheerfully (they think it's oxygen) and the blood carries a small amount of the gas to all parts of the body. The gas has no attraction at all to living cells, but upon coming into proximity with a virus or bacteria, the ClO2 plunders 4 or 5 electrons out of the wall of the virus. As though struck by lightening, the virus wall collapses and its fragments float away in the blood stream to the liver where they're recognized and marked for exit to the elimination systems. The MMS molecule also self-destructs, reverting into two molecules of water and one molecule of salt.

This is the reason why instructions mandate starting with one drop, then moving up slowly. No one knows how infested you may be with pathogens. Even walking around in good health, you still have no idea how many pathogens are going to be found and torched. Of course, maybe you're sick already and you know there are flu or cold germs to be destroyed. Maybe TB. Maybe HIV. Maybe hidden germs from a previous infection. They will gradually get torched as you ramp up.

And what about all the years of vaccinations and injections you received since childhood (containing mercury and formaldehyde). What about the MSG in almost every can of soup, and Aspartame in diet drinks and 100 food products (sticking to the nerves)? Some people cooked for years in aluminum pots, now aluminum is in the brain along with fluoride and lead from drinking water. Have you breathed exhaust fumes? Cigarette toxins in your lungs? Mercury in teeth fillings? What will the MMS find to kill in your body - much or little?

Being in the dark about your "infestations" it's recommended that MMS users start with a very low dosage. A few people report getting diarrhea at the two drop level. Actually this is welcome and the sooner you pass this phase the better. You'll be pleased to know that MMS does NOT destroy desirable flora, the acidophilus, and other welcomed aids that improve nutritional absorption. The structures and PH levels of these organisms make them unattractive to the chlorine dioxide gas. Parasites and diverticular folds are readily cleared out by ClO2 in the blood stream. Old sausage links and "stuck-stuff-unmentionables" may be expelled.

As is typical of all advertised detoxifying herbs and methods, diarrhea is one of the desired outcomes. You know you're in the detoxifying stage when your intestines want to expel whatever was undesirable. Diaper Up. Be happy. It might last two to four days. Get ready. Usually it happens at the 7 to 9 MMS drop level. But your biochemistry is unique to you. You don't know the scope of accumulated toxin-buildup in your body. Therefore, "urgent elimination" could begin at the two drop level. Nausea, however, usually occurs later.

 A few aggressive people have called who felt invincible and who started with five drops and moved up three drops each day. Some people notice no effects of any kind and imagine that "nothing's happening - it's not working" so they leap ahead. How soon the proud are fallen. At low levels pathogens ARE being executed. The elimination systems easily handle the small amount of debris so you imagine nothing's happening.

Eventually there will be nausea, and even throwing up for these aggressive people. Maybe they're the type of people who never took doctor's orders seriously. Nausea may be disabling in some cases. You may be unable to go to work, for example. For not understanding the nature of the progression, nausea is sometimes the moment of turning back, of wanting to quit, or giving up. The cliche' will be "I was sick already and MMS made me sicker." Or "Marketing hype promised that MMS will bring health but it's making me WORSE!" Even out on the internet forums you'll see crude talk like "Can't believe what a scam this is - I puked all day and want to warn everyone about this #xyz% MMS scam..." (This quote has been weakened a bit....")

So let's be clear: If you want to detoxify with any herbal or other detox product on the market, you're asking for bowels to be cleared out and other things as well. Diarrhea and nausea are not unique to MMS. However, unlike other detox products, the MMS option costs mere pennies. It clears metals out of your brain and fungus from your toes. You want clearing out? Then don't fuss when it happens. Throwing up proves that fragments of torched pathogens were killed rapidly - too rapidly. Your elimination systems couldn't handle that much garbage that rapidly. The garbage man knocked at your door saying "stop putting so much trash out in one day! We've had it with you and we aren't going to process your garbage today until you learn to spread it out more reasonably.


MMS nausea can be reduced or avoided by lowering the dosage temporarily, or by increasing hours between doses.

If you understand why nausea occurs, you can probably avoid it altogether. As you move upward in dosage drops, more ClO2 gas is carried in the blood and it also goes further and deeper throughout your body with each passing day. With more of it going further, there will be a surprising moment when more pathogens, yeast, bacteria, viruses, and metals are collapsed into flotsam and jetsam particles.

They are truly garbage-toxins at this stage and they're floating in the blood. Soon they pass through the liver where the toxins are marked for elimination.

But too much garbage coming too rapidly can put the elimination systems into stress, meaning it couldn't keep up. These excess toxins end up back in the stomach. There they are recognized as "bad food." Nausea might cause you to walk around the house all day carrying a little bucket - UNLESS you understand how to avoid it.

By listening to your body, you can sense when nausea might soon follow as you increase dosage. This sounds too obvious, but there's a geometric progression - a suddenness where one additional drop will thrust you into sullen sadness. You need to hold, or back off one drop just as soon as there's a hint of possible nausea and thereby avoid it.

There is an antidote if you ever feel "overdosed" with MMS. If disabling nausea erupts suddenly with no warning, the antidote that stops further production of ClO2 gas is to quickly drink water with about two tea spoons of baking soda. That will neutralize the production of ClO2. Since there are toxins in the stomach already, after you stop ClO2 production it may be 30 to 60 minutes before nausea ceases. Another antidote is orange juice, or vitamin C which also diminishes the production of ClO2 gas.

Here's an analogy that explains the SUDDEN aspect. Picture this assignment. You want to cut a 20 mile path through a forest of bamboo and tall jungle grass. You start on day one from your hut with one machete (one drop dose). Hacking begins and by nightfall you've cleared a path for 100 feet. The knife is worn out (MMS is used up) and you go home for the night. Stay with me - this is going somewhere....

Next day a friend joins and together you set out (two drops) - two hacking men and two machetes. BUT NOTICE:

They do a cake-walk down the first hundred feet. There's no resistance - the path has already been cleared. They sing male duets and whistle until they reach the jungle. Then they both begin hacking. Behold, the two of them go 200 feet beyond the first 100 feet. At day end 300 hundred feet total have been cleared.

Next day a three drop team starts out - three men and three machetes. They stroll happily for 300 feet, then start hacking. Now, beyond the first 300 feet they clear 300 more feet. There are now 600 feet of cleared path. As this continues with more men (or drops) per day, there'll be a point when the team walks 10 miles on a cleared path to the middle of the jungle, and then on that day the complete second half of the 20 mile path will get finished in one last happy day - 10 miles all in one last day. What a bunch of happy choppers on that last 10 mile hack - all in one day.

This is not true, but picture this progression. (fantasy here...) Day one the one drop dose gets a little ClO2 out to the shoulders. Next day the two drop dose finds that a path was cleared previously all the way to the shoulders - no pathogens to be found. So, the gas on day two starts at the shoulders and gets to the upper arms, killing pathogens. On day three the gas finds no resistance and there's more of it available so it kills pathogens all the way from elbow-to-wrist areas - and because there's more gas than before it even goes to the fingers.

That's a silly example because each day the gas actually does go further and deeper all over the body and each day there's more of it. No gas was self-sacrificed or used up along the way on each new day so ClO2 can suddenly reach new places and upon discovery of remote germs, it can SUDDENLY release so many toxins so rapidly that YOU WILL GET NAUSEA due to garbage overload - something like clearing 10 miles of jungle all in one day SUDDENLY.

These analogies attempt to explain the hair-trigger suddenness of nausea onset. So what can you do?

You can watch carefully at the 7 to 10 drop levels to sense whether you should place more hours between doses, or possibly back down one drop for a few days. Notice that you will get past the nausea stage somewhere along the ramp to the 15 drop level. Diarrhea will cease and nausea will cease unless the gas encounters another large swath of pathogens somewhere else in your body.

Glands have the least blood supply - lymph, breast, prostate, thyroid so MMS may get there last. Some poisons cling to nerve cells and may be among the last to yield to the ClO2 gas. Fungus under toe nails may be among the last to crumble and depart.

Until I experienced severe nausea myself, I thought nausea was a childish complaint - a harmless event. "Just buck up! !" I thought. But if nausea makes you quit using MMS, and if there's a workaround to reduce the problem, then I hope you read further before quitting.

To experience the dreaded nausea I stopped taking MMS for a few days at the nine drop level. It seemed that nothing was happening up to that level - I felt invincible. A few days later I jumped back in at the 12 drop level to see what would happen. Well, it was just awful. I lost a full day of activity. Couldn't walk it off or sleep it off. No TV program was of interest. Just a continual nagging surprise that nausea could be this bad and actually put people out of commission. I was afraid I wouldn't throw up - it would have helped. Easily 14 hours were lost from productivity.

Summarizing - THERE"S NO NEED TO EVER GET NAUSEA from MMS. Upon receiving the smallest nausea signals, strategically reduce dosage slightly. Detoxification will continue but without causing overload. The only exception might be in the case of tumors that grow faster than MMS can nibble at it's edges but normally that's not an issue. Since nausea can make you miss work or stop normal activities - and since you don't want to feel sick day after day, consider backing off in the dosage, or place more hours between doses. There's no merit in rushing the process. No angel above demands 10 days of dreadful suffering and then maybe you'll qualify for slightly better health. No, quite the opposite!


There is a relief option when you don't back off soon enough:

It was reported to Jim Humble that if you eat cold apple slices as soon as nausea begins, the apple pulp will absorb stomach toxins that have been dumped there. Apples absorb toxins quite reliably, so keep some cold apples on hand to reduce nausea before it puts you down for the day.

Also, there are charcoal capsules at drugstores that absorb huge amounts of gas and toxins, causing toxins to "move downward." The capsules are harmless. Two or more capsules could be swallowed using directions on the bottle.

Most of the herbal detoxifying agents on the market prepare you for prolonged nausea or diarrhea or both. Some expect you to eat very little for five days. Not so here.

Apples to the rescue. Based on the enormous population of people that Mr. Humble has treated, this apple-solution has proven to be helpful. This helps us see the reason for very gradually increasing dosage up to the 15 drop level and holding it there for a week. You should be detoxified by the end of that week and a low maintenance level is suggested thereafter. Some people actually make it to the 30 drop level.


Through all the years of our lives we've been taking in poisons and toxic materials that got stuck in muscle, fat, nerves, and brain. Our immune systems have been on the defensive from early childhood, devoted entirely to maintaining life defensively against a ceaseless barrage of bad air, impure water, and now genetically modified foods. The immune system has been kept very busy, sometimes retreating in effectiveness, other times just barely keeping up.

With MMS, if we push through to a 24 drop level or even up to 30 drops, and maintain it for a while, our immune systems may eventually have spare time to go on the offensive. What might happen if your immune system had nothing to do but produce surprises of restoration for you? Immune systems on the offensive are rarely seen. Missing body parts might grow back. A third set of teeth might appear in old age (does happen you know). Allergies might vanish. A missing finger might grow back. Insulin glands might begin to function again. A liver half gone in an alcoholic might regenerate to original size. First, we must detoxify. Then we might be in line for some restoration surprises.

With MMS we have opportunity to set the immune system free, empowering it to do what it was intended to do.

More information below - For the most current information search on the websites listed above.  

HIV Testing (Written January 2010 by Jim Humble)

Here in Africa so far, we have successfully treated 800 HIV/AIDS cases

during this visit (July 2009 to February 2010). For many of the people, AIDS

was far advanced. But you have to look at what I consider “successful.”

There is no test for checking to see if someone is HIV negative. Also, I

don’t mean to sound like these are the only successful HIV/AIDS cases.

We have been successful with HIV/ AIDS for the last 10 years or so but this

new protocol makes it very easy. Long before the 3 weeks are over, the

person is healthy again.

MMS works very quickly. How many people do you see tossing off their

diseases and health problems in 3 weeks? Not many. In Protocol 1000,

there is no need to use DMSO or MMS2 unless some unusual problem is

present or comes to light. Jim Humble's official protocols for mixing and using MMS.

Other current MMS websites (as of 6-2011):   Dr. Schulze's packages of detoxification herbs.


ps. June 2012 : We have been using MMS # 1 -Three drops - morning and night for over 1 year.  No side effects after the first 3 week protocols.  We are in Africa and feel that boosting our resistance is necessary. 

We recently added MMS # 2 capsules - once a day - for 1 month and take at least 1 x week as maintenance, increasing if we feel the need.  We have used the repeated small doses( 2 drops every hour) for dysentery, flu, cold cleansing symptoms with great success.



1. Telling if MMS will help the cancer – and MMS cancer protocol

Here is something your doctor will never tell you, there has been a medical test for cancer that is 99% effective for more than 25 years.  It is more effective, less dangerous and cheaper than all other medical cancer tests.  It’s called AMAS cancer test. You don’t have to go to a doctor; the test is available on the Internet.  The cost is $165.  The kit is free, you take a smear of your own blood and send it in and pay when the results are ready. The test is for specific cancer antibodies that will be present. Go to I have no financial interest what so ever.

You can get an idea if the MMS will handle the problem by evaluating the nausea.  That is, if you start out at say one drop or even 1/2 drop and it does not make you  nauseous and then you begin to increase the drops twice a day once in the morning and once in the evening.  That is if 1/2 drop doesn't make you nauseous in the morning, then in the evening or late afternoon try one full drop.  Then the next morning take two drops and in the evening 3 drops.  Sooner or later the number of drops is going to make you nauseous.  You then take a drop or two less the next dose for a time or two and continue to increase the drops.  You are always looking for the nauseous point, taking less for a time or two and attempting to take more.

You will be able to know if it is going to help you if you can continue to pass the nausea point and increase the drops.  What is happening is that when nausea hits, some of the cancer has been destroyed and it is now a poison that the body can clear out.  Being able to clear out this poison is a part of it.  The body can clear this poison out but it might generate some nausea in the process, or diarrhea or even vomiting.   That’s not bad.  The idea is that as the cancer is destroyed the body must clean out the poisons.  As the cancer is destroyed the body can tolerate more and more drops.  That’s the indicator, is the body being able to tolerate more and more drops?  If you find that you finally can increase the drops without getting nauseous it is an indicator that the body is doing it's job.
In the case of cancer, you have got to work at it.  You start out slowly but increase quickly.  At first you might just take the drops twice a day, but as you find you can do it twice a day without nausea, then increase to three times a day, and then four, and even as much as five times a day.

What would indicate that you are not getting well is if the body got nauseous every time you take a dose no matter what amount of dose it is, and the body never seems to be able to increase the doses without nausea.  If you can take say two drops at a time without nausea and you get nausea when you go to three drops, you may have to tolerate the nausea for a short time, but if the nausea always occurs when you take three drops, it shows that you are not gaining on the cancer.  That can happen if the cancer is growing faster than the MMS is killing it.  There is, however, always hope.  One way would be instead of increasing the number of drops,  increase the number of times that you take drops during the day. Read below.  There are other items that can help. Never, however, in any case stop taking the MMS.

So if there is an indication that one is not improving, then I suggest the following direction.  Purchase some Indian Herb from Kathleen in texas.  It costs $60  a vial and that is plenty. Phone 806 647‑1741 She has a thousand letters from people who have been helped.  She and her father have been selling the Indian herb for over 60 years.  When you get this herb use it with the MMS to get the best results.

The AMAS cancer test listed above gives anyone a fantastic advantage.  One can do a test, use the MMS for several weeks or a month and then do a second test to see how much improvement has taken place or to see if any improvement has happened at all.

When I mention drops of MMS I always mean add 5 times that many drops of lemon, lime, or citric acid solution, wait three minutes and then add 1/3 to 2/3 glass of water or juice and drink. Never use MMS without the addition of lemon, lime, or citric acid or in an emergency if you have no citric acids, use vinegar.  Use only apple, grape, or pineapple juice without added vitamin C or ascorbic acid or see #6 below for overcoming the taste.

Clara's 6 and 6 Protocol

For people who have pain, flu, colds, pneumonia, or other diseases that are not generally considered incurable.  When people are very sick and in bed they should use the standard protocol #2 above and start out with a tiny dose. 

I've named this new protocol Clara's because she was the first to really apply it consistently. You may have read the last chapter in the second edition of the book The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century for sale (do a google search)) You will recall that there were a number of success stories about Clara treating people in her home.  Since then I have rented an office from Clara and her mother and I have seen quite a few more people come in.  Last night 12/14/07 a lady about 65 years old and her husband arrived to buy some MMS and Clara always gives them a 6 drop dose, has them wait one hour, and then she has them mix the next dose to make sure that they have it right.  Then she has them wait a few minutes up to an hour before they leave.

Both the right hand and the right foot of the lady that came in last night was completely paralyzed.  She came in with a walker but she could not hold on to the walker so her husband had to hold her to the walker.  It was a chore getting in the door.  Clara gave her a 6 drop dose with 30 drops of citric acid as the activator, she waited the 3 minutes as always and then added 1/2 glass of water and handed it to the lady.  The lady lifted the glass with with some difficultly to her mouth with her left hand as her sciatica (lower back pain) was also paining her.  Within 40 minutes she was starting to feel a reduction of pain in her back and some tingling in her hand.  At 60 minutes she could slightly move several fingers.  Clara handed her another 6 drop identical drink.  As we waited for the second hour to pass, Clara called me in from the office.  The lady was exercising her hand.  She had complete mobility in her hand and she had her shoe off and was exercising her toes.  In fact she was exercising her entire foot and she could move her toes and other muscles better than most people I know.  When she left, she was still using the walker, but her husband didn't have to help her and her lower back pain was gone.  I could see that she would be walking without that walker in a few days.  This is not unusual.  It happens around here all the time.

So this is  "Clara's 6 and 6 protocol" for MMS.  It is simple.  It's for most conditions.

Step No. 1. Put 6 drops of MMS in a glass and add 6 drops of 50% citric acid solution, 30 drops of 10% solution of citric acid, or 30 drops of lemon juice, or 30 drops of lime juice.  Shake the glass so that the acid and MMS are mixed and wait at least 3 minutes.  A little longer is OK in case you walked away and forgot. 10 or 15 minutes would be OK as the solution remains at about the same strength. Then add about 1/2 glass of water to the solution and drink.  You can also use a juice that does not have added vitamin C.  Use apple juice, grape juice, pineapple juice, or cranberry juice.

Step No. 2. Wait one hour and do exactly the same thing as in step No. 1.  Normally the person will experience some relief within two hours of taking the first dose especially if he goes ahead and takes the second dose.  Of course, here is no guarantee.  If the person does or does not experience relief he should go to 7 and 7 that is a 7 drop dose and in one hour a second 7 drop dose, but he should do this only if he did not get sick. By getting sick I'd mean that he was nauseous for more than 10 minutes or he vomited, or he had diarrhea. In the case he did get sick you should not increase to 7 and 7, but rather again do 6 and 6.  If he was very sick it would be best to drop back more, such as 3 and 3, but that seldom happens. Normally do 6 and 6 until one can tolerate it without being nauseous, and then begin increasing to 7 and 7, etc.
Of course, the goal of it all is not being sick.  So take 6 drops twice a week.  If you feel the flu coming on, then do the Clara 6 and 6 protocol as described above.  You will have the flu for no more that 12 to 24 hours and usually less than 6 hours after taking your 2nd dose.  That's not enough power to do you harm. The 6 drops twice a week keeps your immune system strong and the pathogens weak.  You probably remember from school that there are always pathogens in your body.  The 6 drops keeps them at bay.

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 When MMS seems to bring on any bad condition

When MMS seems to bring on any bad condition that is always a good indication as any change is an indication that MMS is doing its job which is killing bad bacteria, viruses, mold, yeast, or parasites and leaving poisons caused by the dead organisms.  These poisons cause a reaction know as the herxheimer reaction. 

In all cases where any negative appearing reaction takes place, immediately reduce the number of drops you are taking.  The greater the reaction the more drops that you should reduce in your next dose.  Start back at 1 drop or even 1/2 drop but do not stop taking the MMS.  On the other hand, if possible, only reduce 1 or 2 drops.  But always drop back in drops.  Do not make yourself sick.  There is no indication that maintaining a constant diarrhea is of benefit.  That mainly depletes your system of minerals and water.  Always drop back to the point where the drops are not making you sick and continue by following the normal protocol given in 2. above.  Remember, DO NOT CONTINUE TO MAKE YOURSELF SICK OR NAUSEOUS.  That has not proven to be advantageous. 

Even when you are taking MMS in small quantities it is killing pathogens.  Always stay just below the level where it is making you sick.


1. Do not continue to make yourself sick
2. Never stop taking MMS.

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 Why chlorine dioxide remains in the body for up to 12 hours?

Each single ion (piece) of chlorine dioxide only lasts for 2 hours; however, a dose of MMS continues to release ions of chlorine dioxide for about 12 hours. That is, the MMS dose releases less and less chlorine dioxide until finally at the end of 12 hours it is no longer active. Again, each individual chlorine dioxide ion only lasts 2 hours. It then turns into chloride (table salt), discharged oxygen, and another component that the immune system always needs. It leaves nothing behind to build up, or to create side effects.

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Chemo treatments and MMS.

I have had no one indicate a problem between and MMS and chemotherapy pills. There have been many who have mentioned that they were doing both, but the fact that no one mentioned a problem does not mean that one does not exist. So long as the treatments are kept separated by over 4 hours, I do not know of a problem. Chemo destroys the immune system. No one can argue that point. The evidence that is available that shows that chemo prolonged someone’s life is always in question. The medical people get excited when a new drug extends one’s life from 10 months to 12 months. The MMS builds the immune system up. Chemo tears it down. Hopefully one would wind up with no damage done when taking both. When considering identical cancers in my opinion, MMS has a better chance of extending life for 20 years or more than Chemo has of extending life for two months.

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 Overcoming the taste of MMS.

Follow one of the suggestions below:

Method 1: Mix your dose of MMS in any strength that you happen to be using at the time and use one of the juices listed below. You should be using 1/3 to 1/2 glass of juice.  In addition to that, you should add two to three teaspoons of citric acid solution to the juice before adding to the MMS.  If you find that these juices are a little strong for your stomach, just be sure to drink a glass of water or even two glasses of water immediately following the ingestion of the MMS and juice. See the paragraph below for the exact sequence.

So let me cover that one more time so you have the exact sequence.  Mix your MMS with 5X lime, lemon, or citric acid as you normally would.  Wait the 3 minutes as you normally would. Now before you add the juice to the MMS glass add two or three teaspoons of 10% citric acid solution to the juice and then ad it to the MMS.   Drink that and then  if your stomach is a little sensitive be sure to drink one or two glasses of water.

ABOUT BUYING THE JUICES:  You can find Black Cherry concentrate by RW Knudsen that does not have added vitamin C.  Pomegranate juice can often be found in health food stores, or frozen concentrates area in supermarkets or in very large supermarkets in the juice area.  Cranberry juice is everywhere, except it is hard to find that does not have vitamin C added, but it is available.  Buy it in the concentrate form if necessary.  The addition of the citric acid eliminates the revulsion that many people develop to the MMS drink.  Please try it as you will be needing it if you are one of those who cannot stand the taste. Good luck.

Method 2: First, make sure that you have a supply of 10% citric acid as given in FAQ #2 above and buy some fructose from the health food store. Fructose is a sugar that does not cause a rise in blood sugar (so long as you are not diabetic) and is somewhat like eating an apple so far as sugar is concerned.

Step 1: Begin by making a new solution as follows. Take ½ glass of water and add 4 teaspoons of your citric acid solution, and then add 2 heaping teaspoons of fructose. Stir until the fructose is dissolved with the citric acid in the glass.

Step 2: Activate the number of drops of MMS that you are now taking with 5X the number of citric acid drops. Wait the standard 3 minutes. It should now be a yellow colour. Pour the yellow activated MMS into the ½ glass of water, citric acid and fructose. Give the smell a chance to dissipate or turn on a fan to blow the smell away.

Step 3: Don’t try to drink the entire ½ glass of MMS and citric acid at one time. Sip it for the next couple of hours washing each sip down with some water. Do this even if you have the flu, a cold, or pneumonia. It will be much easier and more effective against the sickness.

Notes: As long as you can see a slight yellowish or yellowish green colour in the glass you know that it has not lost its strength. It should last up to 4 hours. MMS is actually more effective when taken in this manner as the body is continuously supplied with fresh MMS as you sip. The ½ glass maintains a fresh supply of dioxide particles as old dioxide particles go off into the air or are dissipated in the glass. When taken instantly, instead of sipping, the MMS becomes diluted in the body, and the dioxide is generated much slower, thus it is less effective than sipping.

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8. Why anti oxidants to combat any excessive aging are not necessary?

There is no worry about causing aging or oxidizing healthy cells or killing good bacteria. It doesn’t do that. For over 50 years chlorine dioxide (ClO2) has been used in many water supplies throughout the world because it only oxidizes the anaerobic bacteria or other anaerobic microorganisms. It is very picky about what it oxidizes. That is one of the main issues that make it useful to the human race. I’m talking about a characteristic of ClO2 that’s been known for over 50 years. This is a characteristic that is not true of oxygen, or ozone, or hydrogen peroxide, or any other oxidizer that is used in the human body. ClO2 is the only highly selective oxidizer known. You don’t have to protect the body from the small quantities ClO2 generated by MMS. It simply does not oxidize any beneficial bacteria or body cells. No side effects have been reported  in hundreds of thousands of clinical trials and tests. You might want to read about the selective nature of ClO2. Just look up Chlorine Dioxide as a water purification chemical or read my book.

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9. Excerpts from the research paper “War Against Microbes” written by the Bradford Research Institute.

“The following is a description of the characterization and mechanism of action of Dioxychlor(TM), researched and developed by American Biologies(TM), as relates to its antiviral, antibacterial, antimycoplasmal and antifungal activities.  Dioxychlor(TM) has been in clinical use for over fifteen years with tens of thousands of infusions at the Amerian Biologies(TM) Intergrative Hospital and Medical Center as well as other clinics and hospitals throughout the world.

To understand fully the action of Dioxychlor on target organisms, it is necessary to describe in detail the chemical structure of this oxidant as well as the biochemical structure of substances found in these target organisms with which Dioxychlor(TM) interacts.  These targets include viruses (the nucleic acides, RNA, DNA), bacteria and fungi.”
Dioxychlor(TM) is available on the Internet for sale and the entire scientific paper is available as well.  The formula although somewhat weaker than MMS is the exact same chemical.  (TM stands for Trade Mark).  Go to Google and search Dioxychlor.




Is there any other way to get MMS into my body? Yes but it may cost $60 to $90 U.S. per

doctor’s visit to do it. There are many doctors who provide “Chelation Therapy.” They typically

provide a “two-hour drip.” By appointment you go to an office and sit in a comfortable chair while a

specialist inserts a needle into one of the large veins on your hand or arm – then you read

magazines. Slowly the MMS solution drips into your blood stream directly. With repeated visits, the

dosage can be increased but as toxic poisons and debris from viruses are being flushed, nausea

and or diarrhea can be expected – evidence that detoxification is occurring.

There are many other types of Chelation Therapy available. It’s a standard treatment in the case of

lead or mercury poisoning. The drip is a solution with EDTA in it, plus sometimes B vitamins are

added. There are also weakened Hydrogen Peroxide drips designed to stimulate the immune

system. You would request an MMS drip if you don’t want to “take your medicine orally.” But, given

the simplicity of mixing your own MMS solution and drinking it, you have a way to ingest Chlorine

Dioxide at less than three cents per dose – with very little time invested.


I detect an odor when mixing the two ingredients. Is that normal? The dark bottle of

Sodium Chlorite 28% solution should have virtually no odor. Then, when you mix for example 4

drops of MMS with 20 drops of vinegar or lime acids, immediately the solution begins to give off

Chlorine Dioxide which is a gas. It has a slight chlorine odor. GOOD – this indicates the MMS

product is active and beginning to produce as expected. The odor kills germs floating in the air.

As you increase dosage to 10 or 25 drops, the room odor may become undesirable. Therefore,

after swirling the mixture, set it outside for three minutes, or take it to another room. The odor isn’t

harmful. Circulating in a room, the gas kills any invisible pathogens that may be in the air.

During the three minute wait, the initial gas venting wastes some gas that might

overpower the stomach. There’s no need to induce nausea unnecessarily so

three to five minutes of wasted gas venting makes the solution ready for

weakening with purified water or juice or both, ready then to drink.

What’s the shelf life of the dark bottle of Sodium Chlorite?

Sodium Chlorite is a salt. The dark bottle contains a 28% solution of the salt in

distilled water. That’s what was shipped to you in most cases. Similar to putting

table salt in water, it lasts a long time. Sodium Chlorite in solution is not as

stable as table salt so for longer shelf life consider storing the dark bottle in the

refrigerator. It should remain active at least one year – or longer.



It’s hard to find juice without Vitamin C additives. What juice makes the best mask?

You’re right, Vitamin C is added to many things but in this protocol it quickly cancels the benefits of

MMS. If you take vitamins, do it several hours after the MMS drink. You can find rather costly apple

juice in health food stores that says “Pure, nothing added.” Some people just add distilled water.

Fine. Those who use vinegar as the acid will welcome apple juice as the masking agent. Vinegar is

the best acid to use, but it sometimes turns people off, so use apple juice or pineapple juice to

make it palatable. Avoid any vitamin C additives. If you take vitamins, wait several hours to take

them.  Important: Vitamin C is a preservative and actually interferes with the chemical process from.
Eye droppers come in various sizes. Does drop size matter?
 The flip-lid on the Sodium Chlorite bottle is to be used when

dispensing MMS drops directly from the original dark container. Designed for

simplicity, this prevents acid residue from getting into the source and it also

provides a standard when measuring the drops. In Jim Humble’s book 2, chapter

ten, page 2 he states that common round-end eye droppers are .125 in diameter.

In other places he states that no less than the 5 to 1 acid ratio is required, but if

extra acid is added by accident, it causes no harm and has no effect on the MMS effectiveness.
The important factor is the ratio - don't worry about the size of the dropper - just make sure both
ingredients are transferred to dark bottles with the same size dropper.


Should I stock-up on MMS? Will it become scarce?  See below for mixing it yourself in small doses.
Just hope that the WTO CODEX regulations don’t become a reality in Dec 09.  Currently the Sodium Chlorite solution

in your MMS bottle was very cheap to produce. The bottles and packaging probably cost more than

the chemical. Sodium Chlorite is a flaky pale yellow salt - seen on the bottle neck above.

You could get a ten pound bag of the flaky chemical and store it in a cool dark place for years –

even freeze it. You can get a 100 pound steel drum for less than $300.00 (not recommended). It’s

possible that Sodium Chlorite could someday be reclassified by some governments as a salt that

must be licensed or tracked. It could be taxed to make it very expensive. MMS is currently classed

as a mineral and dietary supplement. Also it’s labeled as a water purifier which it does with

excellence – used by children on camping trips to purify drinking water. But, for internal use, MMS is

“too cheap, too broad in its benefits, and too easy to administer,” so it can’t hurt to store a spare

bottle or two in the refrigerator. In its 28% liquid solution (as shipped) it can’t be stored in a freezer.

It’s a dissolved salt, so in a freezer the Sodium Chlorite would precipitate and lay in the bottle

bottom. Flaky Sodium Chlorite – if you bought a ten pound bag it could be frozen for years.  Jim is trying to get this
product out to as many people worldwide as possible so with a cost as low as 2 cents a dose – it can be distributed
to the poor, suffering people around the world.  Go to his website to see how you can help with his worthwhile project.



Read Chapter 9 - page 19 to end



Download a free copy at  or buy the new book at: "Go to:  to purchase the 3rd EBook, “Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium”. Tell your family and friends! This book contains a lot of VERY important information that the world needs."   Jim Humble 




Chapter 3 Pages 7 - 8

“The red blood cells that normally carry oxygen throughout the body have no mechanism to

differentiate between chlorine dioxide and oxygen. Thus in the walls of the stomach where the

blood picks up nutrients of various kinds, when a chlorine dioxide ion touches a red blood cell it

is accepted. If there happens to be a malaria parasite present it will be destroyed and, the

chlorine dioxide will be destroyed as well. If there are no parasites present, the chlorine dioxide will be carried by

the red blood cell to some point in the body where oxygen would normally be used to oxidize poisons and other bad

things, and there the chlorine dioxide is released. The chlorine dioxide has over a hundred times more energy to do

the same thing that the oxygen would do but it still won’t hurt any healthy cells, more than likely because the

immune system has the chlorine dioxide under control.

This is the point where I like to compare the chlorine dioxide ion to a good Tasmanian devil and the disease germs

are the bad Terrorists. The Tasmanian devil is a small fellow, but is known for how ferocious he is. The red blood cell

is the bus that carries oxygen, and the conductor doesn’t care, he will also carry the Tasmanian devil. Taz, the

chlorine dioxide, is let off by the red blood cell at approximately the same spot that oxygen would normally be let

off. The terrorists are not even worried. They can handle Mr. Oxygen. But this time there is a surprise. The guy that

gets off the bus is ferocious. He’s much worse than the oxygen that normally gets off. He jumps out and kills every

single terrorist that is present that is harmful to the body. So when the red blood cell bus arrives, MEET TAZ.

If the chlorine dioxide does not hit anything that can set it off, it will begin to deteriorate and thus gain an electron

or two. This may allow it to combine with other substances creating a very important substance that the immune

system utilizes to make hypochlorous acid. Hypochlorous acid is probably the most important acid of the immune

system. It kills pathogens, killer cells, even cancerous cells with this acid. When the body has a deficiency in the

important substance, from which the immune system creates the hypochlorous acid, it is called myeloperoxidase

deficiency. Many people are afflicted with this deficiency and the deficiency may increase during diseased situations,

because the immune system needs a great deal more of this acid when a disease is present.

There are some suppositions here. In any case we definitely know that chlorine dioxide is made in the body from

sodium chlorite and it then kills the hell out of diseases. There is one other function that the chlorine dioxide does in

the body. It tends to neutralize poisons.

Almost all substances that are poisonous to the body are, to some extent, acetic in nature or below the neutrality of

the body. The chlorine dioxide will neutralize many of these poisons. We believe that can be the only explanation

why a malaria patient often goes from totally sick to totally well in less than four hours. The poisons that malaria

generates are neutralized by the chlorine dioxide at the same time the parasites are killed. I dosed a dog that was

bitten by a rattlesnake. I gave him a drink of the solution every 2 hour. The dog seemed to know it would help him

and he drank it right down each time I gave it to him. He was okay in a few hours, which would indicate that the

poison was probably neutralized by the chlorine dioxide.”

Chapter 9 pages 10-11

“The Chlorine Dioxide ion retains it ability to destroy pathogens, diseased cells, poisonous substances, and other

harmful items for only about 30 minutes. It really begins to lose its energy within seconds of being released from

the Sodium Chlorite, but it usually can do its job for up to 30 minutes. By the end of an hour or so, it has

deteriorated to the point that it will no longer destroy pathogens but it can still combine with various other

chemicals. Okay, so maybe I was over enthusiastic in saying vast amounts of energy as it doesn’t sound very

scientific. So let’s just say, chlorine dioxide begins to deteriorate almost immediately until it is no longer chlorine

dioxide. It separates into its constituents of chlorine and oxygen and energy and nothing else. The chlorine and

oxygen under this condition have lost their charge and thus are not active.

As the chlorine dioxide continues to deteriorate, so does the sodium chlorite. The deterioration of the sodium

chlorite is at approximately the same speed as the deterioration of the chlorine dioxide. Do you see? More chlorine

dioxide is being generated by the sodium chlorite all the time. Thus as the chlorine dioxide is consumed by killing

pathogens or by simple deterioration it is replaced by the continued deterioration of the sodium chlorite.

The chlorine in sodium chlorite either combines with helpful chemicals that the immune system can use or it

becomes a chloride which means it becomes a tiny part of a tiny amount of table salt.

Not enough to even record. The deterioration of chlorine dioxide in the human body leaves absolutely nothing

behind. The action of destroying any pathogen or other harmful item in the body leaves nothing behind but dead

pathogens, and again a chloride and oxygen that can only become a part of the water of the body.”


Example of use of MMS from website:
As time passed and people talked to me about various problems I

continued to find new uses for the MMS. All of my life I have had

trouble with my teeth. Most of my teeth were missing and I wore

dentures. My gums were quite soft and my teeth were somewhat

loose in the gums. They often got sore and at that particular time

they started to hurt and I thought I would have to have one or two

pulled. Then I finally decided that I should brush my teeth with the

MMS. I used 6 drops of MMS and ½ teaspoon of vinegar swirled

together in a glass and then I waited the 3 minutes and added 1/3

glass of water and used that to brush my teeth. Again I was amazed.

All of the infection and soreness disappeared in hours. Within a week

my gums had hardened up. When I finally did go to have a tooth

pulled, it took the dentist a full hour to pull the tooth. My gums were

so tough, and the tooth was so well imbedded into my jaw bone he

simply couldn’t just grab it with his pliers and pull. It wouldn’t come

out. I’m not sure I should have had it pulled. It looked perfectly

healthy when it was finally out. The dentist was more surprised than I


Since that time there have been a number of other people who began

to use the MMS for oral hygiene. All that have used it have had the

same results, a much healthier mouth.


The solution known as M.M.S. was discovered in 1996 by a humanitarian, Jim Humble, while working in the jungles of South America. M.M.S. is a newly released solution that promotes and facilitates the body’s natural healing processes and creates an internal environment which harmful pathogens cannot tolerate. This strengthens the immune system, and cleanses the body of poisonous toxins, heavy metals and deadly infections. This breakthrough supplement enables the body’s own immune system to eliminate the causes of many diseases and ailments.

M.M.S. is the purest of all things that you might take. M.M.S. is sodium chlorite and when mixed with a natural acid such as lemon juice or citric acid forms chlorine dioxide which then reverts back to harmless chloride and neutralized oxygen. It leaves nothing behind to build up. It is only two simple items once it is dissolved in water. It consists of the type of harmless chlorine that is in table salt (sodium chloride), and oxygen. There is some sodium, before it is dissolved in the water, but that is so minute that it becomes insignificant. There is nothing else, and this combination results in the most powerful killer of pathogens known to man.

It has been used in stock yards to kill pathogens on meat, and on slaughtered chickens; it has been used to sterilize hospital floors and benches, and to kill pathogens in water works without killing friendly bacteria for over 70 years. Now this same formula is used in the body, and the same results occur. No damage is done to the body, but the pathogens (harmful organisms) are destroyed. In its powerful form M.M.S. is chlorine dioxide that reverts back to harmless chloride and neutralized oxygen. It leaves nothing behind to build up.


Listen to Elijah David’s story. A 70 y.o. minister and friend.

Amazing as it might seem, when used correctly, the immune system can use this killer to only attack those germs, bacteria, viruses, molds, and other microorganisms that are harmful to the body. It does not affect friendly bacteria, including the intestinal flora, nor healthy cells. It doesn’t require taking it for several months but most often works in a few hours. It destroys the #1 killer of mankind, malaria, in 4 hours

M.M.S. is the greatest solution to mankind’s diseases and ills now known, and it is not a drug. If you will go over the data on this site I believe you will be convinced enough to try it. That is all I ask. Up to this time, I have not yet had a doctor read my book and read the success stories and then say that he didn’t believe it. The reason for this is not the success stories as anyone can write up a bunch of success stories, but the book tells of chemistry. Chemistry doesn’t lie. Science is science and doctors have enough understanding of science and chemistry that they know there is no point in arguing that chemistry doesn’t work.

Take your time. Learn what you can and you will know that a new age has come to mankind. I didn’t bring it. I was blessed enough to discover what many men were already doing, they were using M.M.S. under different names. What I was blessed enough to discover was a way to bring the information to the general public instead of it lying dormant in hospitals and clinics not being used. Well, I sort of invented it in that I discovered it eliminated malaria while I was in the jungle, but I soon found that others have been using it sparingly on certain diseases for as long as 20 years or more. The fact is, it treats almost all diseases, including the so called incurable diseases. I’m just glad I was able to bring it to the public. So now find out for yourself.


Note:  Our new friend  recently wrote to say he just tested negative to Hepatitis C, after suffering with it for over 20 years.  We sat around after sharing dinner  in 2009 and mentioned about how we were using MMS 1 for our health and as a prevention against Malaria.  In one ear and out the other.  In desperation almost two years later he begrudgingly ordered some MMS 1 and followed the protocol.  (see link on instructions for ordering and using MMS 1 on our Thoughts on Health page).  If you have any lingering health concerns or just want to rid your body of viruses, bacteria, parasites, cancer cells, etc. follow the instructions on this link.  Give it a try.  Only costs $20 a year. It works.


What is Chlorine Dioxide?

Chlorine dioxide is a chemical compound with the formula ClO2.  Prominent uses include water purification, oral hygiene, and more recently, oral supplementation.  According to third party sources:

· Chlorine dioxide is used in many industrial water treatment applications as a biocide including cooling towers, process water and food processing.

· Chlorine dioxide was the principal agent used in the decontamination of buildings in the United States after the 2001 anthrax attacks.

· Chlorine dioxide was also used after Hurricane Katrina (2005) to eradicate dangerous mold from houses inundated by water from massive flooding.

· Chlorine dioxide is less corrosive than chlorine and superior for the control of legionella bacteria.

· Chlorine dioxide is more effective than chlorine against viruses, bacteria and protozoa � including the cysts of Giardia and the oocysts of Cryptosporidium (parasites).

· Chlorine dioxide is the topic of author, scientist, chemist and humanitarian, Jim Humble's book entitled, "Breakthrough, The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century".  In Breakthrough, Humble describes how he discovered the use of chlorine dioxide as an alternative treatment for Malaria, which has since led to over 100,000 documented successful treatments of the disease in Africa.  Humble's research aims to establish MMS as a powerful alternative treatment to many pathogen-borne diseases.

· Chlorine dioxide can be used to kill "disease-bearing bacteria, yeasts, molds, fungi and algae", including MRSA and other deadly pathogens.


· - Wikipedia, see "Uses"

· - Breakthrough, The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century, by Jim Humble, available in hardcopy or as a free download at

· - "New MRSA Bacteria Killer Registered by EPA"

What is a Pathogen?

A pathogen is described as "any biological agent that causes disease or illness to its host".  Types of pathogens include Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa, Fungi, Parasites and Proteins.

Examples and/or typical effects of Bacteria pathogens include:

· Urinary Tract Infection

· Peritonitis

· Typhoid

· Foodborne Illness (i.e. Salmonella, E. coli)

· Tuberculosis

· Anthrax

· Toxic Shock Syndrome

· Pneumonia

· Strep Throat

· Stomach Ulcers

· Tularemia

· Lyme Disease

Examples and/or typical effects of Virus pathogens include:

· HIV / AIDS   (See MMS2 info)

· Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E (liver disease)

· Herpes

· HPV (i.e. Genital Warts; HPV infection is a necessary factor in the development of nearly all cases of Cervical Cancer.[)

· Warts

· Chickenpox, Smallpox, Cold Sores and Measles

· Colds, Influenza Virus (i.e. H5N1, "Bird & swine flu")

Examples and/or typical effects of Protozoa pathogens include:

· Malaria

· Giardiasis

· Cryptosporidiosis

· Chagas Disease

Examples and/or typical effects of Fungi pathogens include:

· Opportunistic Pneumonia

· Ringworm

· Candidiasis (i.e. Yeast Infection)

· Histoplasmosis (i.e. "Darling's Disease")

· Cryptococcosis

Examples and/or typical effects of Parasite pathogens include:

· Roundworm

· Tapeworm

Examples and/or typical effects of Protein pathogens include:

· BSE (mad-cow disease)

· vCJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease)



Example of Oral Hygiene using Chlorine Dioxide: